
ComparaView is a web application (meaning it lives inside a web browser).

ComparaView makes use of Internet Information Service (IIS), SQL Server and the .NET Framework. ComparaView is currently supported on versions of Microsoft components listed below.

As of (September 2017) ComparaView is a Windows only system as it is built on the Microsoft .NET Framework.

Client Software Requirements

Operating System

Windows 10

Web Browser


Internet Explorer 11

Firefox 55+

Chrome 60+

Server Software Requirements

Operating System

Windows 10

Windows Server 2012 R2

Windows Server 2016


Internet Information Server (IIS)

Note: version of IIS is dependent on the version of Windows OS used.

The IIS version contained in each of the above OSs is acceptable for running ComparaView.

Database Server

SQL Server 2016

SQL Server 2014

SQL Server 2012

.NET Framework

4.6 (minimum version)



Microsoft Components

Web Deploy 3.6+

Note: ComparaView may work on other configurations of Windows components however any components not listed here have not been tested.

Hardware Requirements

Recommendation is to run ComparaView across two servers

  • one for hosting IIS; and
  • the other for a SQL Server instance.
IIS Server



Disk Space

SQL Server



Disk Space

Dependent on volume of data.

Recommend separate physical storage each for mdf & ldf files.

Recommend not to store data files on same disk as the OS.


ComparaView is delivered as an MS Deploy package, which installs ComparaView into an existing instance of IIS. The installation process (of ComparaView and its dependencies) is extensively documented in an accompanying installation manual.

For more information...

Contact Us

Mail: admin@westbournegroup.com.au