
1. Workflow - manage the way you work

The workflow system built into ComparaView aims to have none of the bloat in generic workflow systems, yet enough flexibility to model scenarios related to managing biometric data.

Common scenarios, such as decision fusion (multiple reviews), adjudication, data cleasning and quality assurance may all be catered for.

2. Address bias

In recent years the research community has initiated considerable investigation into how humans recognise faces. ComparaView takes lessons from this research to present user interfaces to address concerns related to operator bias.

Concepts such as Linear Sequential Unmasking and Context Management are built in to help address bias.

3. Multiple Data Sets in Parrallel

Allows you to import multiple discrete data sets and work on them independently. Common scenarios with multiple data sets could be:

  • a data cleanse on a core data set,
  • resolving a partner organisation's watch list and
  • ad-hoc image comparisons

4. Control who sees what

Organise who does what work with ComparaView's user controls. Using the concept of 'profiles', you may organise users into groups (think of them as mini-teams), ensuring access to work is restricted to the right users.

5. Auditing & Reporting

To effectively manage human processes you need reporting. ComparaView provides post-event reports to highlight operator performance and total volume of work completed.

6. Zero hassle deployment

ComparaView is acessed via a web browser. This means no installation of software on your machine, no involving IT support and no wasting time with approvals for deployment when new users come on line. Accessing ComparaView on a new workstation is a simple as entering a URL into a web browser.

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Contact Us

Mail: admin@westbournegroup.com.au